[Ofrecido] Bittorrent Clients (Actualizado)


New member
Bittorrent Clients (AcTuaLiZaDo):

µTorrent 1.6 (Recomendado):

* Multiple simultaneous downloads
* Smart bandwidth usage
* File level priorities
* Configurable bandwidth scheduling
* Global and per-torrent speed limiting
* Quickly resumes interrupted transfers
* UPnP support (WinXP only)
* Supports popular protocol extensions
* Trackerless support (Mainline DHT)
* Localized to different languages
* Typical memory use less than 6 MB
* Incredibly small: 105 KB

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"Esta lista lista la conformé con los clientes bittorent más recientes y populares."


- Manual peer upload blocking (when seeding) and kick-banning
- Control added to not cache small files
- Advanced network settings: MTU, SO_RCVBUF, SO_SNDBUF, IPTOS
- Plugin support for installing and uninstaling plugins
- Client identification plugin interface
- Separate protocol payload and overhead stats
- Network selection support (public, i2p, tor)

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BitComet 0.71:

* Intelligent Connection Optimize
* Intelligent Rate Control, optimize the upload
* Intelligent Disk Cache, decrease the potential damage
* Intelligent Disk Allocating, no long-time disk allocation
* Intelligent Hash Scan, no time-consuming scanning when seeding / resume. (detail)
* Firewall and NAT Traversal
* Auto config ICF (Internet Connection Firewall)
* Auto config port mapping in router

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BT++ 0.5.4 (alpha):

- multiple downloads in a single window,
- minimize to the system tray (win32 only),
- list style display of downloads
- automatic re-starting of interrupted torrents
- without needing the .torrent link.
- include enhanced bandwidth throttling,
- better OS/browser integration and much, much more.

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ABC [Bittorrent] 3.1:

* Multiple downloads in a single window
* Queueing system with priority
* Ability to customize the information ABC displays
* Supporing pause, stop, resume, queue, remove operations
* Minimize to taskbar (and/or system tray)
* Displaying torrent details
* Supporting advanced settings from BitTornado

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Rufus 0.7.0:

- eXeem peer_id and name detection
- ability to copy the torrent info hash to the clipboard by clicking on it
- option to not restore G3 from taskbar when adding torrent
- DNS lookup to the friends list

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BTQueue 0.0.18:

* Basic queue management functions
* Associate .torrent to submit immediately (win32 only)
* Changing parameters at run-time without restarting
* Peer Identification
* Peer IP Information: Country and Network Name

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BitBuddy 0.985:

- multitracker extension support (as described by John Hoffman)
- serves multiple torrents on a single port and a single thread
- supports http proxies and proxy authentication
- gzipped tracker-responses
- supports files > 2 gigabytes.
- queues torrents for file check, instead of checking all of them in parallel.

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XBT Client 0.6.9:

- Automatic, fast resume.
- File queueing. File priorities.
- Integrated torrent maker.
- Integrated UDP tracker.
- Multi interface (command-line, graphical and web)
- Multi platform (Linux and Windows).
- Single window, multiple torrents.
- Upload rate limit.
- UPnP NAT port mapping.
- Web frontend (PHP).

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Burst! v3.1.0b:

- Queue System & Auto-Complete
- Clearer messages and tooltips
- Multi-core
- Transfer Profiles

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TorrenTopia 1.90:

- Search for .torrent files in the most popular search engines
- Fully customizable user interface, with several skins included
- Embedded web browser with links to the best .torrent sites, you can add your own favs too
- Create .torrent wizard to help you share your files with the rest of the community
- Details window to know everything about your downloads
- Powerful queue system: choose all you want to download and let it work by itself
- Install directly in 5 languages: English, Spanish, Italian, German, French, Polish, Dutch

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BitSpirit V2.8.0.065:

* Clean interface
* Multiple simultaneous downloads
* Disk cache mechanism
* Fast job resume
* File selecting support
* Powerful file manager
* UPnP portmapping
* Instant Messaging support
* Gzip Data compression
* Flexible speed control
* Scheduled downloading
* Integrated with IE
* Shutdown computer when done
* HTTP/SOCKS4/5 proxy support
* High speed
* Very low CPU & Mem usage

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G3 Torrent 1.01:

* Queuing and downloading of multiple torrents.
* Real-time list of peer addresses and their statistics. Reverse DNS toggle-able.
* Advanced Progress bar graphically illustrates which pieces of the file have been downloaded.
* A graph to display upload and download rates over time.
* Each torrent being downloaded has it's own graph record.
* Optional Web Interface for remote adminstration.
* Friends Priority System. Friends IP address can be set to get upload preference if they are downloading the same file.
* Temporary upload priority can be given to peers by right clicking them in the list.
* Peers can be banned by right clicking them in the list.

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- Experimental UPnP NAT Traversal support
- create torrents using ZipTorrent!
- Hot-Key to show/hide the GUI
- New Wizard walks you through the ZipTorrent settings
- Torrent link catcher can automatically download torrents

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BitTornado T 0.3.15:

- Multitracker specification
- About super-seed mode
- reverted to Python 2.3 / wxPython 2.5.2
- to finally fix task stickiness
- fix for 64-bit CPUs
- randomized port selection

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PD 1: Los Links se actualizarán cada 15 dias aproximadamente.
PD 2: El que quiera ayudarme a traducir todo esto se lo agradezco :)
Saludos, -PaBliTo- 8)
Última edición por un moderador:


New member
Muy bueno loko, yo la verdad no los probe todos pero el que uso es el bitcomet. Alguno de estos es el mejor o por lo menos para recomendar???
No te olvides que la version 9 beta del opera tambien trae cliente para torrent.


New member
Es verdad, pero no está dedicado al 100% al torrent, lo mismo pasa con el lphant. Por eso los excluyo de la lista.
PD: El opera es para navegar, hasta que no sea estable no lo posteo.
PD 2: El lphant cuando lo instalas te llena de spyware por eso no lo posteo. El dia que tenga una instalación limpia lo agrego.


New member
Si el bitcomet es el mejor que use, la mayoria de los trackers lo admite.
El que esta bueno es el Azureus pero necesitas mas megas de ram, uno livianito es el abc (el abc lo usaba cuando tenia dialup y una k6 II 500 con 128mb)


New member
Hola Pablito, vos decis que el que esta bueno es el azureus (es el que uso actualmente) pero en el link recomendas µTorrent 1.5. Vos decis que es mejor este ultimo? Cuales son las diferencias? Quiero entender para saber si cambio de client.
Muchas gracias


New member
Capiro dijo:
Hola Pablito, vos decis que el que esta bueno es el azureus (es el que uso actualmente) pero en el link recomendas µTorrent 1.5. Vos decis que es mejor este ultimo? Cuales son las diferencias? Quiero entender para saber si cambio de client.
Muchas gracias
El azureus esta echo en java , pesa mucho, es muy bueno pero requiere tener una buena pc. El utorrent es re livianito, tiene para encriptar los datos pero tiene el error que con emule no funciona.


New member
Hola una pregunta ( ya que me borraron mi post) desde que baje el bitcomet la velocidad maxima record fue de 12Kb.. que puede ser el problema, mi conexion es de SPEEDY 256Kb. ya voy bajando 6 peliculas y 3 juegos y eso fue el record, asi q calculo q las semillas y clientes no tiene nada q ver asi como la salud ni nada....



New member
-PaBLiTo- dijo:
lucho_elmillo dijo:
Pablito, ya podes agregar al opera 9.0 o 9.01 que son versiones finales que traen cliente de torrent
Es un caso parecido al lphant, cuando sean estables los agrego.

Es que es estable, por eso te lo digo, yo lo uso y no tiene ningun problema (la version final) en cambio la beta por ahi tenias algun que otro quilombito.
Por eso, yo te decia de la version final :wink:


Horror Mod
No se si corresponde que pregunte acá esto pero me la juego.... que diferencia tienen estos programas con el emule?? Qué es mejor?? Saludos y gracias